VIDEO: CELAB Europe’s 2024 objectives by workstream

Each of our workstreams – Data Mining, Recycling Solutions, Logistics, Legal Framework, and Communication – has deliverables and goals for 2024. We’ve compiled them into a little video presentation to keep you up-to-date with CELAB Europe’s progress and achievements. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us here.

  • Data Mining:

Geographical “heat mapping” of material usage to optimise logistics and to measure progress on the recycling target (watch video from 5:14):

  • Measure Progress on recycling volumes: Update the survey with 2023 data and start a similar survey on the collected volumes.
  • Update the EU country heat maps of materials with 2022/2023 data.
  • Get a better understanding of the volumes distribution of the used liner per site.

Recycling Solutions:

Identifying, proving, and supporting the development of sustainable end markets for repurposed / recycled paper liner (watch video from 6:16):

  • Validate liner recyclers in the UK, Italy and Spain
  • Undertake a life-cycle assessment study with Sphera to compare the environmental impact of different end-of-life scenarios for paper liner (recycled paper, insulation material, construction panes, cushioning material for shipments boxes) 
  • Undertake a recyclability study with the Centre technique du papier to understand if the paper liner can be mixed with the rest of the old paper stream, as this would simplify its collection.

Identifying, proving, and supporting the development of sustainable end markets for repurposed / recycled PET liner and matrix materials (watch video from 7:46):

  • Validate PET liner recyclers and solutions, in terms of both mechanical and chemical recycling.
  • Scout for recycling solutions for the matrix waste with Ubuntoo– focusing on the paper matrix and the mix of material paper and filmic.


Connecting with the European transportation and recycling sector to develop and optimise collection systems for liner and matrix (watch video from 8:44):

  • Identify collectors and transporters of used liner for small volumes & in the white spots of our interactive map.
  • Evaluate innovative collection methods, i. e. reverse logistics, where label printers collect used materials from their customers, to create a hub with a large quantity of used liner.

Legal Framework:

To monitor and advocate the development of regulations and guidelines that support the development of a sustainable business model for recycling in Europe (watch video from 10:08):

  • Monitor the regulations and directives relating to liner & matrix waste, at European level but also at member state level (Packaging and packaging waste directive, waste framework directive, Waste shipment regulation, Plastic packaging tax in the UK, Italy, Spain…)
  • Update our Regulatory reference document available to all CELAB members.


Raise awareness on the existence of CELAB Europe and its objectives and educate the value chain on the recyclability of the materials and existing recycling programs (watch video from 10:53)

  • Initiate and track a pilot test with Etivoet delivering communication about liner collection and recycling at each delivery.
  • Create communications – including a LinkedIn Ad Campaign – delivering our Recycling Infographic directly to label users.
  • Present CELAB Europe at key industry events, including Fachpack, SPN’s Recyclability Conference, and many more.